6 ideas that will inspire you to redecorate your kid’s old bedroom Image

6 ideas that will inspire you to redecorate your kid’s old bedroom

By Newinhomes on Aug 30, 2019

In just a few days, thousands and thousands of college and university kids will head back to school, some for the first time, others returning, and they are leaving many empty bedrooms behind. 

Are you going to let this extra square footage go to waste as a shrine to your kin’s long-lost childhood, or are you going to transform it into something that is of better use to you? 

We have a few ideas on how you can transform this newly discovered spare bedroom into something special:

Planting room

If you’re a green thumb, then you know that some plants do better when you sow the seeds indoors first, but there’s a good chance you lack the space to do this. Not anymore. If you have decent natural light, you can start your veggies and herbs indoors, then transplant them outdoors when the time is right! Plus, just think about how cool and refreshing it will make the room look. 

Walk-in closet 

Even if you already have a walk-in closet, why not have an even bigger one? You can install shelving along the walls, drawers, full length mirrors, hanging racks, and any other organizational structure you may need. Imagine walking out of the shower and down the hall into your huge walk-in closet with a window. 

Home theatre

This one sounds ambitious, but it’s actually easier than the walk-in closet idea. All you have to do is paint one wall white, set up an HD digital projector, and hook up a decent sound system. Then find the coziest sofa or lounge chairs, set them up facing the white wall and you’re good to go! 

Home gym 

Again, this sounds ambitious, but it’s really not. The most difficult thing about turning your spare bedroom into a home gym will be carrying all your weights and equipment up to the second floor. Other than that, all you have to do is install a full wall mirror on one of the walls, so you can keep an eye on your form. If the flooring isn’t already carpet, then you can also invest in a yoga mat or some soft floor tiles. 

Hobby room 

Do you play the cello? Are you a watercolourist? Do you sew? Whatever your hobby may be, why not transform your spare bedroom into the ideal hobby sanctuary. Perhaps there’s a hobby you’ve been meaning to take up - now would be the time!

Relaxation retreat

Where do you go in your home to relax? The kitchen is too busy. The living room has the TV on all the time. Your bedroom just makes you sleepy. You should make your spare bedroom into a relaxation retreat. Blue, green, and purple and considered relaxing colours, so your decor for this space should have this cool, calming palette. Put a diffuser in the room, invest in some essential oils, like eucalyptus and tea tree, and get some plants that thrive indoors, like a ZZ plant. 

We hope these ideas inspire you to give your kid’s old bedroom a total makeover! 

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