About Us

Welcome to newinhomes.com, powered by New Home Buyers Network (NHBN). We are a network of online properties that delivers the most comprehensive and up-to-date database of more than 6,000 online listings for new home and condo construction projects in the GTA and Ontario. As a new home or condo buyer, you'll find a wealth of resources and information relevant to your needs at homebuyers.com and across our integrated digital network – everything you need to know to find, purchase and own a new home or condo. As Canada's pioneer in the delivery of new home and condo online listings, New Home Buyers Network has been connecting buyers and builders since 1994. Today, NHBN delivers complete, easily accessible information and service solutions for new home and condo buyers and builders.

Our Services

Our services to new home and condo buyers include: :

  • A comprehensive and up-to-date database of quality online listings for new home and condo constructions in the GTA - over 6,000 easy-to-compare listings for new high-rise and single-family homes
  • Access to over 100 of Ontario's finest new home and condominium builders
  • Complete information and sharable content about the home search, buying and ownership process to support the research and decision needs of new home and condo buyers (new homes and condos for sale, floor plans, virtual tours, development features, amenities, tips, news and articles, facts and figures, expert advice, etc.)
  • Quality user experience across our integrated digital properties and services
  • Innovative social media and mobile channels, allowing users to search listings anytime and anywhere
  • Value-added supplementary services, such as automatic email alerts when new properties are added that meet buyers' search criteria and priority registration for developments coming soon
  • Priority buying opportunities and unique buying incentives
  • Long-established relationships with builders and other new home and condo professionals in Ontario and the GTA

Aaron Ferguson
1 Yonge Street, Suite 1801
Toronto, ON M5E 1W7
tel: 416-993-6077
email: aaron@homebuyers.com / aaron@newinhomes.com